Exclusive: Pole & Hunt Fish Knives Collaboration With Secret Smokehouse

Exclusive: Pole & Hunt Fish Knives Collaboration With Secret Smokehouse

You could say we know a bit about filleting and slicing of a fish, however you're only as good as the tools you have to hand. Here at Secret Smokehouse we go above and beyond to source and produce the best we can. It's therefore not a daft thing to therefore seek out the best knife makers here in the UK - Pole & Hunt.

It gives us huge pleasure to introduce to you this exclusive collaboration set of 5, 7 and 11 inch hand-made & forged knives by the outstanding duo Alex & Ed of Pole & Hunt using super special English Oak to create the handles. It’s taken months of detailed discussion, planning and good old blood sweat and tears to spec these up. Perfection is so hard to achieve and these knives hand on heart are just that, stunning beauties that we will treasure for life. You too can buy these knives exclusively through us and will be on our website very soon. Please note the lead time to craft each or the set will be approx 6-8 weeks.